Executive Board

โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹The National Committee is governed by the Executive Board which is made up of Members appointed by the Sponsoring Organizations. The current Executive Board includes the following members:โ€‹

Name Organization Title
Gene Hawkins ITE Chairperson
Bill Lambert AASHTO Vice Chair for Programs (non-voting Board member)
Bryan Katz HFR Vice Chair for Researchย (non-voting Board member)
Kathy Falk ITE Treasurerย (non-voting Board member)
Meg Pirkle AASHTO Chair of AASHTO Delegation
Steve Oliver APWA Chair of APWA Delegation
Steve Jewell ITE Chair of ITE Delegation
Lee Billingsley NACE Chair of NACE Delegation
Patrick Baxter NACTO Chair of NACTO Delegation
Peter Koonce APBP Co-Chair of Group II Delegation
Rick Campbell IACP Co-Chair of Group II Delegation
Jeffreyโ€‹ Bagdade AAA Chair of Group III Delegation
Jonathan Upchurch AHUA Chair of Group IV Delegation

Revised 01/22/2021